Church, is it a free-for-all, or is it free, for all? Last Thursday, everybody had to swallow more than turkey and dressing. In a year that has been politically-charged on every level – even moment – it’s likely that an extended family gathering included people whose views about the chaos in the culture and the …
Tag Archives: church
The fight doesn’t end tomorrow…
Gear Up! For football players, that’s the summons into the locker room, to don pads and helmets. For firemen, it’s the 911 call to get into protective gear, ready to run into the flames. For a SWAT team, bullet-proof vests and shields come out of the truck and into the array. The opposition is at …
What do you give a kid who has everything/nothing?
What’s the best thing you could give a kid for Christmas? Erica Komisar is a clinical social worker, psychoanalyst and parent guidance expert who has been in private practice in New York City for the last 25 years. She’s an active participant in her local synagogue. A graduate of Georgetown and Columbia Universities and The …
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Here’s the Story, in < 400 words
Football fans hit their peak the first Sunday of February; there are bowl games aplenty, but there’s only one Super Bowl (so the story goes). Attention is riveted to the field – or, the screens – for 60 minutes, plus time-outs and commercial breaks as the battle for victory consumes the weekend for millions. Christian …