Maybe today is a holiday for you (Presidents Day; despite the political divides over things having to do with that office); around the Point of View territory, every Monday is “on.”
The morning after Super Bowl, we opened a short series focused on you. We’re working from an intriguing insight into the life of Jesus; one verse that describes his earth journey, for 18 years (ages 12 to 30): “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Body, mind, soul and spirit were, for Him, more than latent facets of His incarnational: maximizing each of those dimensions was crucial to His readiness for His short and powerful season of eternal Calling.
Last week, we looked in the mirror and realized that our physical body is more than a biological oddity: the day we say “yes” to the Gospel and are adopted into God’s family, the Holy Spirit moves in and unpacks. Physical conditions and activities are no longer “personal decisions;” they’re made with His interests foremost in our considerations. “You are not your own; you were bought at a price” is a claim of ownership and expectation that must be recognized.
“And Jesus grew in wisdom…” The mystery of God emptying Himself – the Greek word is kenosis – means that the omniscience that Jesus had through Eternity was dialed-back when He stepped into humanity. God – Who has all wisdom and knowledge – entered Earth with the need to reload knowledge and relearn wisdom in preparation for His historic mission to redeem the lost race.
Loading knowledge and learning wisdom: culture presumes those acquisitions are to be made in a classroom, with intake of both subsiding upon graduation then dissipating after midlife.
Solomon had been raised in privilege; his father, King David, had created the most prestigious learning environment for the son he shared with Bathsheba. Through a tenuous set of generational conflicts among his siblings, though not the firstborn crown prince, Solomon ultimately emerged as God’s designated successor for the great King who was “a man after God’s own heart.”
Named as the next sovereign over God’s chosen people, how would you answer God’s offer to give you anything you asked for? “Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours? (2 Chronicles 1:10). He already knew everything he needed to know to be a prince, but for the greatest role of his lifetime, he knew he needed more.
It’s a holiday, so let me cut to the chase: you may be the smartest player in your current peer world, knowing all you need to know to contend and achieve in the roles you have in play today. If that’s all you’re here to do, great. But, what if there’s more?
Jesus had apprenticed under Joseph in the family building business in Nazareth. He probably knew everything He needed to know to be the best contractor within His territory. But… he was heading for a future that was exponentially greater in significance than what He had done during the decades of preparation. Messiah would require wisdom and knowledge that stretched far beyond the bandwidth of a carpenter. Why is that insight about His earth life worth noting?
Simply this; then you can return to your holiday: if you already know everything you need to know for the life you have today, congratulations. And: don’t expect any remarkable new assignments – something that might be characterized as a “Calling” – in your future.
But, if you believe that God may have more for you to be and to do on your way to your Final Review by the returning King, it might be worth investing some of your prime hours in the pursuit of information – knowledge – and experience – wisdom – that would aid in preparing you for potential promotions into your unique Kingdom assignments.
What are you doing – today, in this season – to become who God made you to be?
Bob Shank