Is this on your list?

“Why didn’t you say something?”

We have thousands of men and women – high-impact Kingdom influencers, across America and beyond – who receive this weekly challenge. Most open and read it, regularly. A proactive look at 21st Century leadership, through the lens of a biblical worldview.

Point of View is the tip of the iceberg in The Master’s Program. We have myriad outputs and initiatives that are serving Christian leaders in a unique way.

I crossed paths with a significant Kingdom leader this week who is part of our movement community. He asked me if we had any year-end funding challenges. I told him that we were in our normal contribution cycle: the last month of each year is critical to sustain our ministry.

The direct cost of most of the ministry offerings we provide are user-supported, but sustaining our organizational leadership and infrastructure involves contributions by our friends who recognize the value of what we provide to them and the expanding network of high-engagement men and women who connect with us in various ways.

This has been an unusual year.  As Covid changed the ground rules in March, we reinvented our delivery systems and added services to stay in touch with our movement community. We did not pursue a PPP from the government. We’ve incurred unexpected expenses to modify our ministry distribution, but we’ve been frugal wherever possible, and God has carried us. We’re poised to launch an incredible update on our brand going into 2021: TMP 3.0 is going to blow you away…

My friend’s question was direct:  “Do you guys need donations coming up on year-end?” My answer: “Yes, as we do every year. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, we will need to receive about $250,000 to finish the year at break-even.” His response: “Why didn’t you say something?”

Less than 10% of our contacts with you through the course of the year mention the fact that we are a 501(c)3 ministry, and dependent on the contributions of people who believe in and benefit from what we do. The Point of View weekly blog; now, our mid-week Hard Times Heroes vlog: examples of our ministry services, offered at no cost and with no incessant solicitation for contributions.

I hope you’ll hear this as informative, not confrontive: we could sure use your help as we finish our 2020 ministry year and set the stage to offer you even more in the year to come.

The anomaly is intriguing: for most of our constituency, this year has been an emotional strain… but there’s a good chance that your financial status at year-end has not suffered. Has God sustained you through these unprecedented times? Does fear of an uncertain future neutralize your heart for stewardship as you recognize the One who has carried you through?

As you finish-up this once-in-your-lifetime year, why not make this a high-watermark in your expressions of generosity? Start with your church; continue with the ministries that have served you and your family. Invest in the efforts you know are making a difference in a world starved for hope and in need of the Gospel. Let faith be more pronounced than fear as you sort-out your end-of-year posture.

If The Master’s Program is somewhere on that list for you, we’d be grateful for and honored by your decision to include us in your year-end distributions. “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).  That’s His promise… still.

Could you be part of our year-end miracle?  Click here to go to our secure page to put your gift in motion. Thanks – in advance – for giving this some prayer and consideration!

Merry Christmas!

Bob Shank

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